Wednesday, December 22, 2021

X Minus One - "A Pail Of Air" (03-28-56)

A Pail Of Air (Aired March 28, 1956)

X Minus One was an NBC science fiction series that was an extension, or revival, of NBC's earlier science fiction series, Dimension X. which ran from Apr. 8, 1950 through Sept. 29, 1951. Both are remembered for bringing really first rate science fiction to the air. The first X Minus One shows used scripts from Dimension X, but soon created new shows from storied from the pages of Galaxy Magazine. The series was cancelled after the 126th broadcast on January 9, 1958. However, the early 1970s brought a wave of nostalgia for old-time radio; a new experimental episode, "The Iron Chancellor" by Robert Silverberg, was created in 1973, but it failed to revive the series. NBC also tried broadcasting the old recordings, but their irregular once-monthly scheduling kept even devoted listeners from following the broadcasts.


March 28, 1956. NBC network. "A Pail Of Air". Sustaining. A story about the last family left on a frozen Earth. The script was used subsequently on May 6, 1974 on "Future Tense" and on "Audion Theatre" on September 1, 1990. Richard Hamilton, Rita Lloyd, Ronald Liss, George Lefferts (adaptor), William Welch (producer), Daniel Sutter (director), Eleanor Phelps, Fritz Leiber Jr. (author), Joe DeSantis, Pamela Fitzmaurice, Fred Collins (announcer). 29:08. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.

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