Monday, December 06, 2021

The Mysterious Traveler - "The Man Who Vanished" (07-06-48)

"The Man Who Vanished" (Aired July 6, 1948)

Cast members included Jackson Beck, Lon Clark, Roger DeKoven, Elspeth Eric, Wendell Holmes, Bill Johnstone, Joseph Julian, Jan Miner, Santos Ortega, Bryna Raeburn, Frank Readick, Luis van Rooten, Ann Shepherd, Lawson Zerbe and Bill Zuckert. Sound effects were by Jack Amrhein, Jim Goode, Ron Harper, Walt McDonough and Al Schaffer. "Behind the Locked Door," a popular, much-requested episode which took place in total darkness, was repeated several times during the years. Two archaeologists discover a century-old wagon train that had been sealed in a cave following a landslide. When their Native American guide is mysteriously and brutally attacked, the two, now lost in the darkness, conclude that the descendants of the wagon train are still living in the cave. The popularity of the series spawned other supernatural shows, such as The Sealed Book. With scripts by a Mysterious Traveler writer and Tarplin as host-narrator, The Strange Dr. Weird was a nearly identical program.


July 6, 1948. Mutual network. "The Man Who Vanished". Sustaining. An albino discovers the secret of invisibility, and promptly commits a murder. Wendell Holmes, Roger De Koven, Art Carney, Maurice Tarplin, Richard Coogan, Paul Taubman (music), Carl Caruso (announcer), Hal Reed (sound), Al King (broadcast engineer), Robert A. Arthur (writer, producer, director), David Kogan (writer, producer, director). 29:01. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.

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