Monday, December 06, 2021

The Hall of Fantasy - "The Perfect Script" (02-13-47)

The Perfect Script (Aired February 13, 1947)

When it comes to The Hall of Fantasy, there are some mysteries that persist to this day. Maybe that's appropriate, because it claimed to be "the series of radio dramas dedicated to the supernatural, the unusual, and the unknown." One mystery that remains unknown is who the announcer actually was. His lines were so over-the-top, maybe he wished to remain anonymous. But it's this same dead serious approach to monsters, horror, and the supernatural that makes this series so much fun to listen to in a modern context. Despite this campy dimension to the program, do not assume that the series wasn't scary. Many episodes were rather frightening.


February 13, 1947. Mutual network. Commercials deleted. An insane radio producer entices a script writer to his isolated beach house to write "The Perfect Script." Drugs and insanity await him. Robert Olsen (writer), Richard Thorne (performer, producer, director), Carl Grayson, Beth Colter, Nelson Hall, Earl Donaldson (music). 26:31. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.

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