Sunday, December 12, 2021

I Deal In Crime - "The William A Davis Case" (04-15-46)

The William A Davis Case (Aired April 5, 1946)


I Deal in Crime ran for almost two years on ABC network radio and starred the very capable radio and Hollywood actor, William Gargan. In this, one of his many PI radio series (he’s best known, of course, for his role as Martin Kane), Gargan played Ross Dolan, described as a veteran detective who returned to his sleuthing job after his WW II service as a sailor. Or as Dolan puts it, “a hitch in Uncle Sugar’s Navy



April 5, 1946. "The William A Davis Case" - ABC network. Sustaining. William A. Davis ("If You Please") hires Ross Dolan to find his missing daughter. The story has some nice plot twists, but Ross Dolan is just too tough to believe. William Gargan, Skitch Henderson (composer, conductor), William Conrad, Ted Hediger (writer), Leonard Reeg (director), Dresser Dahlstead (announcer). 29:40. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.

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