Saturday, August 21, 2021

X Minus One - Double Dare (12-19-57)

 Double Dare (Aired December 19, 1957)

X Minus One was an NBC science fiction series that was an extension, or revival, of NBC's earlier science fiction series, Dimension X, which ran from Apr. 8, 1950 through Sept. 29, 1951. Both are remembered for bringing really first rate science fiction to the air. The first X Minus One shows used scripts from Dimension X, but soon created new shows from storied from the pages of Galaxy Magazine. A total of 125 programs were broadcast, some repeats or remakes, until the last show of Jan. 9, 1958. There was a one-program revival attempt in 1973.


December 19, 1957. NBC network. "Double Dare". Sponsored by: Bromo Quinine. Two scientists from the Earth defend the honor of their home planet. This is network, sponsored version. The script was used subsequently on "Future Tense" during July, 1976. Robert Silverberg (author), Fred Collins (announcer), Ralph Camargo, Ivor Francis, Michael Ingram, Harvey Hayes, William Welch (adaptor, producer), George Voutsas (director). 20:01. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.

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