The Hands Of Death (Aired March 18, 1945)
As with The Mysterious Traveler that preceded it, The Sealed Book was an anthology of supernatural drama, produced and directed by Jock MacGregor for the Mutual network, and written by the extraordinary team of Robert Arthur and David Kogan. Indeed this same entire team of network, director, and writers were responsible for the entire run of The Mysterious Traveler. Going even further, The Sealed Book reprised 26 of the Arthur/Kogan scripts written for The Mysterious Traveler. And in yet another similarity, Philip Clarke performed as an actor in five of the original Mysterious Traveler episodes. Where the series' differed was in the 'hook' or novelty intro to each week's new episode. With the Mysterious Traveler, the atmospheric element was the mournful whistle of the train, and Maurice Tarplin's equally exaggerated exposition at the beginning of each episode. With The Sealed Book, each epsisode opened with the sound of the great gong, followed by Philip Clarke's observation that the Keeper of The Book.
March 18, 1945. Program #1. Mutual network. "The Hands Of Death". Sustaining. 10:00 P.M. (Eastern time). The first show of the series. An eccentric who collects souvenirs from murders decides to try for the ultimate item for his collection. The dates listed above for this series were taken from the WOR-Mutual acetates. Apparently, a second series of broadcasts was heard on WGN, Chicago (and perhaps the rest of the Mutual net as well) at 2:30 P.M. (Central time) on the dates listed. 29:56. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.
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