Joey (Aired July 17, 1952)
The scripts were faced paced, starred quality east coast talent and were well written. The series' plots and themes focused primarily on predominantly fear inducing pursuits of one form or another. Thus most of the scripts were fraught with tension of one type or another. Whether mental tension, physical peril or a mix of both, the abiding theme throughout the series was the the contrasts between the 'hunter' and the 'hunted' in such Life situations. NBC's Television version of The Chase was in production during May 1953. It was to star Doug Fowley as both narrator and performer. Apparently the powers to be eventually decided to abandon the production. It would also appear that the TV production was abandoned at about the same time the Radio version was pulled, to be replaced by NBC's prestigious NBC Summer Symphony series.
July 17, 1952. NBC network. "Joey". Sustaining. A boxing manager signs a young Mexican who looks like the next champ. After poisoning the fighter to win for a gambler, the manager is haunted by the fighter and his mother. Amzie Strickland, Bryna Raeburn, Daniel Sutter (director, transcriber), Donald Buka, Fred Collins (announcer), Joe DeSantis, Lawrence Klee (creator, writer), Mandel Kramer. 29:43. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.
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