Shadow Of Evil (Aired March 28, 1951)
NBC Presents: Short Story first aired on February 21, 1951 as a natural extension of NBC's critically and popularly successful NBC University Theater productions, later retitled NBC Theater. Beginning in 1942, NBC had formalized its concept of the NBC University of The Air and its companion NBC Inter-American University of The Air. Throughout the mid-1940s NBC produced some twenty-five productions specifically designed to both educate and entertain. NBC Presents Short Story continued in that vein, devoting the first two minutes of each production to a brief history of the author of the work to be presented that evening. NBC Theater (the former NBC University Theater) ran through February 14, 1951. With the emphasis on retaining quality while at the same time lowering expenses, NBC introduced an anthology of the world's finest short stories. The series was to feature the greatest short story authors throughout history. And indeed the series went to great lengths to tout the authors of this fine series of classic short stories. The authors were some of history's most celebrated, award-winning writers. Show Notes From The Digital Deli.
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