"Murder In The City Hall" (Aired April 5, 1946)
To its everlasting credit, NBC clearly went to great lengths to promote the script titles, performers and authors of each program to the nation's newpapers. From 1943 through 1948, Mystery Theatre was one of the most well documented and promoted radio programs of its time. Indeed, so many details were available for its entire NBC run that this was one of the easiest logs we've developed in some time. We have solid, highly detailed newspaper listing provenances for almost ninety percent of the first 237 programs. Sadly, the transition from NBC to CBS didn't fare as well for Mystery Theatre. NBC and CBS were waging a major war at the time, each network nakedly poaching the other's greatest Radio talent and programs, wholesale. But judging from the way NBC and CBS -- and Frank and Anne Hummert -- promoted and supported their respective line-ups, it's clear that CBS was dropping the ball for the greater part of 1949. Show Notes From The Old Time Radio Researcher's Group.
April 5, 1946. NBC network. "Murder In The City Hall". Sponsored by: Molle, Double Dandereen. A man is murdered while running for the position of judge. What does the police commissioner have in mind when he prevents a certain police lieutenant from working on the case? The story was first broadcast on this series on September 19, 1944. The story first appeared in the November, 1935 issue of "Black Mask." Bernard Lenrow (host, as "Geoffrey Barnes"), Dan Seymour (announcer), Raymond Chandler (author), George Petrie, Chuck Webster, Robert Dryden. 29:50. Show Notes From The Old Time Radio Researcher's Group.
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