"The Thanksgiving Turkey" (Aired November 23, 1952)
The Aldrich Family, a popular radio teenage situation comedy (1939-1953), is remembered first and foremost for its unforgettable introduction: awkward teen Henry's mother calling, "Hen-reeeeeeeeeeeee! Hen-ree Al-drich!" A top-ten ratings hit within two years of its birth (in 1941, the showm carried a 33.4 Crossley rating, landing it solidly alongside Jack Benny and Bob Hope), the show is considered a prototype for teen-oriented situation comedies to follow on radio and television and is a favourite if dated find for old-time radio collectors today. The Aldrich Family as a separate radio show was born as a summer replacement for Jack Benny in NBC's Sunday night lineup, July 2, 1939, and it stayed there until October 1, 1939, when it moved to Tuesday nights at 8 p.m., sponsored by General Foods's popular gelatin dessert Jell-O---which also sponsored Jack Benny at the time.
November 23, 1952. "The Thanksgiving Turkey" - NBC network. Sustaining. It's Thanksgiving time and there's only one turkey left. Both the Aldrich and Brown families want it. Bob MacKenzie (announcer), Clifford Goldsmith (writer), Bobby Ellis, Jack Grimes, House Jameson, Katharine Raht, Dick Dudley (announcer). 28:56. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.
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