Cause For Thanksgiving (Aired November 20, 1950)
The few earliest episodes were more sitcom than private eye shows, with a studio audience providing scattered laughter at the not-so-funny scripts. Soon the audience was banished, and George went from stumbling comedic hero to tough guy private eye, while the music became suspenseful. Valentine's secretary was Claire Brooks, aka Brooksie (Frances Robinson, Virginia Gregg, Lillian Buyeff). As Valentine made his rounds in search of the bad guys, he usually encountered Brooksie's kid brother, Sonny (Eddie Firestone), Lieutenant Riley (Wally Maher) and elevator man Caleb (Joseph Kearns). For the first few shows, Sonny was George's assistant, but he was soon relegated to an occasional character. Sponsored by Standard Oil, the program was broadcast on the West Coast Mutual Broadcasting System from October 18, 1946 to September 27, 1954, first on Friday evenings and then on Mondays.
November 20, 1950. Mutual-Don Lee network. "Cause For Thanksgiving". Sponsored by: Standard Oil. A Thanksgiving story about a tough ten-year-old boy who refuses to talk. Is it psychic shock? Bob Bailey, Virginia Gregg, Jackson Gillis (writer), David Victor (writer), Eddie Dunstedter (composer, presenter), Don Clark (director), Bud Hiestand (announcer), Wally Maher, Carl Watson (commercial spokesman), Bob Burchill (commercial spokesman), Alan Reed, Dick Ryan, Tony Barrett, Jeffrey Silver, Steven Chase. 28:44. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.
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