Saturday, January 22, 2022

The Jack Benny (Jello) Program - "The End To The Benny-Allen Feud" (03-14-37)

INTRO: Bob - Mary Wells -" You Beat Me To The Punch" (1962)
The End To The Benny-Allen Feud (Aired March 14, 1937)

Benny stayed on CBS until January 26, 1933. Arriving at NBC on March 17, Benny did The Chevrolet Program until April 1, 1934. He continued with sponsors General Tires, Jell-O and Grape Nuts. Lucky Strike was the radio sponsor from 1944 to the mid-1950s. The show returned to CBS on January 2, 1949, as part of CBS president William S. Paley's notorious "raid" of NBC talent in 1948-49. There it stayed for the remainder of its radio run, which ended on May 22, 1955. CBS aired reruns of old radio episodes from 1956 to 1958 as The Best of Benny. 


March 14, 1937. "The End To The Benny-Allen Feud" - Red network, KFI, Los Angeles aircheck. Sponsored by: Jell-O. The program originates from The Grand Ballroom of The Hotel Pierre, New York City. "Bing" Shlepperman (Sam Hearn) offers to substitute for Kenny Baker, who's back in California. Mary sings! Jack sings the Jell-O commercial, interrupted by guest Fred Allen. Jack and Fred start an argument and wind up reminiscing about their days in Vaudeville, and they then sing a duet. Jack Benny, Don Wilson, Abe Lyman and His Orchestra, Mary Livingstone, Sam Hearn, Fred Allen, Harry Baldwin, Ed Beloin (writer), Bill Morrow (writer). 32:35. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.

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