Sunday, January 30, 2022

Author's Playhouse - "Forever Walking Free" (04-23-45)

Forever Walking Free (Aired April 23, 1945)

Author's Playhouse was an anthology radio drama series, created by Wynn Wright, that aired on the NBC Blue Network from March 5, 1941 until October 1941. It then moved to the NBC Red Network where it was heard until June 4, 1945. Philip Morris was the sponsor in 1942-43.  Premiering with "Elementals" by Stephen Vincent Benét, the series featured adaptations of stories by famous authors, such as “Mr. Mergenthwirker’s Lobbies” by Nelson Bond, "The Snow Goose" by Paul Gallico, "The Monkey's Paw" by W.W. Jacobs, "The Piano" by William Saroyan and "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" by James Thurber. Cast members included Curley Bradley, John Hodiak, Marvin Miller, Nelson Olmsted, Fern Persons, Olan Soule and Les Tremayne. Orchestra conductors for the program were Joseph Gallicchio, Rex Maupin and Roy Shield. Directors included Norman Felton, Homer Heck and Fred Weihe.




April 23, 1945. NBC network, Chicago origination. "Forever Walking Free". Sustaining. A story of love in England during the war, with a supernatural ending. Arthur Seltzer, Bob Dearenforth, Cheer Brenson (?), Dorothy Quinnan (adaptor), Elwyn Owen (organist), Haskell Coffin, Herb Butterfield, McKinley Cantor (author), Norman Felton (producer), William Pigley. 29:37. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.

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