The Secret Chamber (Aired November 5, 1976)
The show was broadcast nightly and ran for one hour, including commercials. Typically, a week consisted of three to four new episodes, with the remainder of the week filled out with reruns. There were a total of 1399 original episodes broadcast. The total number of broadcasts, including reruns, was 2969. The late E.G. Marshall hosted the program every year but the final one, when actress Tammy Grimes took over. Each episode began with the ominous sound of a creaking door, slowly opening to invite listeners in for the evening's adventure. At the end of each show, the door would swing shut, with Marshall signing off, "Until next time, pleasant...dreams?" Despite the show's title, Brown expanded its scope beyond mysteries to include horror, science fiction, historical drama, and even comedy.
November 5, 1976. Program #547. CBS network. "The Secret Chamber". Sponsored by: True Value Hardware, Buick, Certainteed Insulation. Master Lock Burglar Alarms. E. G. Marshall (host), H. G. Wells (author), Arnold Moss (adaptor), Kristoffer Tabori, Earl Hammond, Court Benson, Catherine Byers. 41:20. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.
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