Thursday, September 23, 2021

Boxcars711 Overnight Western "Cisco Kid" - Murder Wagon (01-13-55)

Boxcars711 Overnight Western "Cisco Kid" - Murder Wagon (01-13-55)

Broadcast constantly sometimes once a week sometimes 3 times a week By Mutual, between 1942 and 1956. Western Drama mainly for the young ones or maybe just the young at heart. I say the young at heart, because The Cisco Kid and his likeable but simple partner Pancho were a couple of lovable rogues and because there was usually a lovely senorita around in every episode who fell madly in love with Sisco, there may well have been an element of lady listeners included in the audience rating figures.


January 13, 1955. Program #260. Mutual-Don Lee network, KHJ, Los Angeles origination, Ziv syndication. "Murder Wagon". Commercials added locally. Jesse Post, Pierre DuLac and bad guys down from Canada are known for shooting settlers and burning down their houses. A ring on the French Canadian's finger provides Cisco with a needed clue. Jack Mather, Harry Lang. 27:45. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.

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