Friday, July 09, 2021

Cloak & Dagger - Over Ground Railroad (09-08-50)

 Over Ground Railroad (Aired September 8, 1950)

This is the story of the WWII special governmental agency, the OSS, or Office of Strategic Services. Its mission was to develop and maintain spy networks throughout Europe and into Asia, while giving aid to underground partisan groups and developing espionage activities for Allied forces overseas.The show is based on the book of the same name by Lt. Col. Corey Ford and Major Alastair MacBain (who were associated with the OSS from its early days.) The dramas are not Hollywood-style, in that they sometimes end with plans foiled or leading characters dead. The theme music was either identical or very similar to that used by Tales of the Texas Rangers. Sherman Marks directed. The cast consisted of The Hungarian Giant, played by Raymond Edward Johnson, and Impy, the Midget, played by Gilbert Mack.


September 8, 1950. NBC network. "Overground Railroad". Sustaining. An O.S.S. agent is sent to occupied Paris to establish a network to help American flyers who have been shot down over France. The system cue has been deleted. Les Tremayne, Bryna Raeburn, John Powers (sound effects), Louis G. Cowan (producer), Alistair MacBain (creator), Corey Ford (creator), Lily Valenti, Winifred Wolfe (writer), Jack Gordon, Jon Gart (music director), Manny Segal (sound effects). 29:28. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.

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