The radio show first aired on April 26, 1952 and ran until June 18, 1961 on the CBS radio network. The series starred William Conrad as Marshal Matt Dillon, Howard McNear as Doc Charles Adams, Georgia Ellis as Kitty Russell, and Parley Baer as Deputy Chester Proudfoot. Doc's first name and Chester's last name were changed for the television program. Gunsmoke was notable for its critically acclaimed cast and writing, and is commonly regarded as one of the finest old time radio shows. Some listeners (such as old time radio expert John Dunning) have argued that the radio version of Gunsmoke was far more realistic than the television program. Episodes were aimed at adults, and featured some of the most explicit content of the day: there were violent crimes and scalpings, massacres and opium addicts.
3, 1959. CBS network. "Unwanted
Deputy". Sponsored by: Longines Watches, Stanu
(cleaner), Pepsi. Vince Wiley becomes Dillon's self-appointed deputy
with secret plans to kill him! William Conrad starts the program by
thanking listeners at the start of the show's eighth year on the air.
The script was used on the Gunsmoke television series on March 5, 1960.
William Conrad, Georgia Ellis, Parley Baer, Howard McNear, George Walsh
(announcer), Frank Knight (Longines commercial), Jeanne Bates, Vic
Perrin, Paul Dubov, Howard Culver, Marian Clark (writer), George Walsh
(announcer). 29:33. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold
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