Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Let George Do It - The Penthouse Roof Murder (04-19-48)

The Penthouse Roof Murder (Aired April 19, 1948)

Let George Do It is about a detective with one foot firmly planted in the tough-guy detective genre, and the other in the romance-denied working relationship romantic field. For George Valentine, detective work was job #1. To his secretary, Virginia Brooks, it was a developing relationship. Radio's competing Adventures of Sam Spade featured banters between Spade and his stenographer Effie in similar manner. The constant patter between George and "Brooksie" sounds a great deal like an old time radio version of much-later TV series like "Hart to Hart," "Moonlighting" and "Remington Steele."


April 19, 1948. "The Penthouse Roof Murder" - Mutual-Don Lee network. Sponsored by: Standard Oil, Chevron (baseball book premium). Elliott Wormsley, an urban bird watcher, spots a murder in a penthouse several blocks away with his binoculars. Bob Bailey, Frances Robinson, Wally Maher, Louise Arthur, Charles Seel, Charlie Lung, Bud Hiestand (announcer), Fred Howard, Peter Leeds, Eddie Dunstedter (composer, conductor), David Victor (writer), Herbert Little Jr. (writer), Don Clark (director). 30:11. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.

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