Friday, October 01, 2021

David Harding Counterspy - The Visiting Vulture (09-27-49)

The Visiting Vulture (09-27-49) (Aired September 27, 1949)

The show was at the top of the list among programs that had developed the technique of sound effects to a fine art. Each program was written with the sound in mind, not so much sound for sound's sake, but to advance the plot, add color or create atmosphere. Two sound effects men spent a reported ten hours in rehearsal for each broadcast, in addition to the time spent by the actors. East coast actors House Jameson, Don MacLaughlin, Phil Sterling and Lawson Zerbe [MBS] (Zerbe appeared as both David Harding and Harry Peters) were the only four actors to ever assume the role of David Harding--Jameson for the first two episodes only, replaced by Don MacLaughlin for the remainder of its twelve year run.


September 27, 1949. ABC network. "The Case Of The Visiting Vulture". Sponsored by: Pepsi Cola. The trail of big time bootleggers starts with a small tavern in backwoods Mississippi and leads to the Chicago lakefront. The system cue has been deleted. Don MacLaughlin, Mandel Kramer, Phillips H. Lord (producer), Leonard L. Bass (director), Paul Milton (writer), Jesse Crawford (organ). 30:56. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.

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