Thursday, August 05, 2021

Dragnet - Sixteen Jewel Thieves (08-18-49)

 Sixteen Jewel Thieves (Aired August 18, 1949)

Accuracy was underlined: The exact number of footsteps from one room to another at Los Angeles police headquarters were imitated, and when a telephone rang at Friday’s desk, the listener heard the same ring as the telephones in Los Angeles police headquarters. A single minute of "A Gun For Christmas" is a representative example of the evocative sound effects featured on "Dragnet". While Friday and others investigate bloodstains in a suburban backyard, the listener hears a series of overlapping effects: a squeaking gate hinge, footsteps, a technician scraping blood into a paper envelope, the glassy chime of chemical vials, bird calls and a dog barking in the distance. Scripts tackled a number of topics, ranging from the thrilling (murders, missing persons and armed robbery) to the mundane (check fraud and shoplifting).


August 18, 1949. Program #11. NBC network origination, AFRS rebroadcast. "Sixteen Jewel Burglaries". There have been sixteen jewel burglaries in the last sixteen days, a very active thief! The trail leads to Walter Tracy. Jack Webb, Barton Yarborough, Raymond Burr, Harry Morgan. 29:52. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.

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