Monday, March 02, 2009

Boxcars711 Old Time Radio Pod - The Jack Benny Show (Jello Program) "Alexander Graham Bell" (05-28-39)

Alexander Graham Bell (Aired May 28, 1939)

Benny was remarkable in many ways, but in none more than this: he built a character of every sour ingredient in life, but somehow his real personality trickled through and made it wonderful. Would a real miser act that way before 30 million people each week? The Benny of the air was a fraud, a myth, a creation. It should have surprised no one to learn — after years of toupee jokes that played so well into the vanity theme — that Benny never wore one. He overtipped in restaurants, gave away his time in countless benefit performances, and was lavish in his praise of almost everyone else. The Jack Benny Program is a classic comedy that is truly one of the best-loved programs from the Golden Age of Radio. It started life as The Canada Dry Program in 1932 on the Blue Network and finished off as The Lucky Strike Program on CBS in 1955. In between, it kept the audience in stitches and established Benny as one of America's all-time great comedians.


The Jell-O Program Starring Jack Benny. May 28, 1939. Red network. Sponsored by: Jell-O. Kenny sings, "Melancholy Moon." The cast does its version of, "Alexander Graham Bell." Phil sings, "Snug As A Bug In A Rug." Don Wilson, Jack Benny, Kenny Baker, Mary Livingstone, Phil Harris and His Orchestra, Eddie Anderson, Sam Hearn, Harry Baldwin, Ed Beloin (writer, performer), Bill Morrow (writer), Blanche Stewart (doubles). 29:35.


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