Death Is The Judge (Aired June 15, 1947)
The Mysterious Traveler had much to recommend it for atmospherics alone. Maurice Tarplin opened each program with the following mood setter: "This is The Mysterious Traveler, inviting you to join me on another journey into the strange and terrifying. I hope you will enjoy the trip, that it will thrill you a little and chill you a little. So settle back, get a good grip on your nerves, and be comfortable . . . if you can . . . ." That introduction, accompanied by the now famous sound of the rushing train and its whistle served as the chilling prologue to every episode of the run. The train whistle and doppler sound seemed to improve with each new season--as did much of the foley work throughout the series. Maurice Tarplin for his part, leant a provocatively nuanced sense of anxiety to each new program, both framing the script to follow and interjecting key exposition during most episodes. Show Notes From The Digital Deli.
June 15, 1947. Mutual network. "Death Is The Judge". Sustaining. A brain surgeon and his wife buy a "bell of life" from Tibet. It can bring the dead back to life. However, when "Death" releases someone, he takes someone else! Charles Paul (organist), Robert A. Arthur (writer, producer, director), David Kogan (writer, producer, director), Donald Buka, Ralph Paul (announcer), Eleanor Phelps, Juano Hernandez, Morton Lawrence, Maurice Tarplin (as "The Traveler"), Cameron Prud'Homme. 29:17. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.