The Jekyll & Hyde Gangster (Aired October 2, 1947)
The Clock might well have found a larger audience had ABC had either the budget or resolve to promote it. Neither, as things turned out, ever materialized. After a concerted effort of a week of research, we were unable to uncover a single newspaper spot advertisment or announcement for The Clock during its entire American run. Neither does The Clock, as either an idea or a production, require any rationalization. It may simply have been an idea ahead of its time. Grace Gibson Productions apparently agreed with our own assessment. When Grace Gibson recycled The Clock almost eight years after it left American airwaves, it apparently met with far more successful acceptance with Australian and South African listeners alike.
October 2, 1947. Grace Gibson syndication. "The Jekyll & Hyde Gangster". Commercials added locally. Leo Tarn is the big gambler in New York City. When a new joint opens in town, Leo pays a "friendly" visit to Barney...all by himself Lawrence Klee (writer), Harp McGuire (as "The Clock"), John Saul (director), Owen Weingott, Wynne Nelson, Grant Taylor, Rod Jacobs. 25:05 Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.