"D Day" (Aired June 7, 1950)
The Halls of Ivy featured Colman as William Todhunter Hall, the president of small, Midwestern Ivy College, and his wife, Victoria, a former British musical comedy star who sometimes felt the tug of her former profession, and followed their interactions with students, friends, and college trustees. Others in the cast included Herbert Butterfield as testy board chairman Clarence Wellman; Willard Waterman (then starring as Harold Peary's successor as The Great Gildersleeve) as board member John Merriweather; and Bea Benadaret, Elizabeth Patterson, and Gloria Gordon as the Halls' maids. Alan Reed (television's Fred Flintstone) appeared periodically as the stuffy English teacher, Professor Heaslip. The series ran 109 half-hour radio episodes from January 6, 1950, to June 25, 1952.
June 07, 1950. NBC network. "D Day" - Schlitz Beer. Phillip Weatherby wants to be a farmer, and is being expelled from the school of law, despite his father's desire for him to be a lawyer. Benita Hume, Bill Thompson, Cameron Blake (writer), Conrad Binyon, Don Quinn (creator, writer), Henry Russell (composer, conductor), Ken Carpenter (announcer), Nat Wolff (director), Ronald Colman. 29:21. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.
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