Sunday, October 02, 2022

Amos & Andy - The Lecture Bureau (03-16-45)-2

"The Lecture Bureau' (Aired March 16, 1945)

Amos was naïve but honest, hard-working and (after his 1933 marriage to Ruby Taylor) a dedicated family man. Andy was more blustering, with overinflated self-confidence. Andy, being a dreamer, tended to let Amos do most of the work. Their lodge leader, the Kingfish, was always trying to lure the two into get-rich-quick schemes. Other characters included John Augustus "Brother" Crawford, an industrious but long-suffering family man; Henry Van Porter, a social-climbing real estate and insurance salesman; Frederick Montgomery Gwindell, a hard-charging newspaperman; William Lewis Taylor, the well-spoken, college-educated father of Amos's fiancee; and "Lightning", a slow-moving Stepin Fetchit-type character. The Kingfish's catch phrase "Holy mackerel!" soon entered the American lexicon.

March 16, 1945. Program #42. "The Lecture Bureau" - NBC network origination, AFRS rebroadcast. After running a bank for five minutes, the boys start a lecture bureau, with Andy doing the speech making. Freeman Gosden, Charles Correll, Harlow Wilcox (announcer). 29:27. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.

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