Saturday, August 20, 2022

Dad's Army - "Don’t Fence Me In" (05-15-75)

Don’t Fence Me In (Aired May 15, 1975)

"Dad's Army" probably depicted more of an accurate version of the Home Guard than anyone could actually realise. Initially it was felt the series was maybe mocking England's finest hour and its first episodes were reviewed with great criticism. However, Jimmy Perry , David Croft and the cast felt that the show had many strengths and so did the steady flow of the British public which began following the Walmington-On-Sea platoon's exploits on Television each week. In 1969, "Dad's Army" embarked on its first Colour TV series, and with that success followed. A feature length film based on the series was made by Columbia Pictures in 1971, and a stage show based on the series toured the UK between 1975 - 76. The programme was also adapted for BBC Radio. Most of the cast are now no longer with us, but their memory lives on through regular repeats on BBC Television and UK Gold as well as many video and DVD releases.

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