Thursday, March 03, 2022

Dimension X - "The Veldt" (08-09-51)

The Veldt (Aired August 9, 1951)

This show dramatized the work of such young writers as Ray Bradbury, Robert (Psycho) Bloch, Robert Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, and Kurt Vonnegut. In-house script writer was Ernest Kinoy, who adapted the master works and contributed occasional storied of his own. Dimension X was a very effective demonstration of what could be done with science fiction on the air. It came so late that nobody cared, but some of the stories stand as classics of the medium. Bradbury's "Mars Is Heaven" is as gripping today as when first heard. His "Martian Chronicles" was one of the series' most impressive offerings. Dimension X played heavily on an "adventures in time and space, told in future tense" theme. Actors who worked regularly on the show included Joe Di Santis, Wendell Holmes, Santos Ortega, Joseph Julian, Jan Miner, Roger De Koven, John Gibson, Ralph Bell, John Larkin, Les Damon, and Mason Adams. It was directed by Fred Weihe and Edward King. The deep-voiced narrator was Norman Rose. The series played heavily on the "X" factor in the title, as did X-Minus One a few years later.



August 9, 1951. NBC network. "The Veldt". Sustaining. The kids' playroom is nothing to fool around about! The system cue and final promotional announcement have been deleted. The script was subsequently used on "X Minus One" on August 4, 1955. Albert Buhrman (music), William Quinn, David Anderson, Ernest Kinoy (adaptor), Fred Weihe (director, transcriber), Joan Lazer, Lesley Woods, Norman Rose (host), Ray Bradbury (author), William Welch (producer), Fred Collins (announcer). 30:09. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.

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