Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Henry Morgan Show - "Morgan's Vacation Agency" (05-28-47)

Morgan's Vacation Agency (Aired May 28, 1947)

His usual signoff was, "Morgan'll be here on the same corner in front of the cigar store next week." But he continued to target sponsors whose advertising copy rankled him, and those barbs didn't always sit well with his new sponsors, either. When Eversharp sponsored his show to promote both Eversharp pens and Schick shaving razors and blades, Morgan threw this in during a show satirizing American schools: "They're educational. Try one. That'll teach you." Perhaps most notoriously, Life Savers candy dropped Morgan after he accused them of fraud for what amounted to hiding the holes in the famous life saver ring-shaped sweets. "I claimed that if the manufacturer would give me all those centers," Morgan remembered later, "I would market them as Morgan's Mint Middles and say no more about it." The irony is that Life Savers in the 1990s actually tried marketing Life Saver holes. He is also alleged to have said of his sponsor's Oh Henry! candy bar (after exhorting listeners to try one), "Eat two and your teeth will fall out."

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