Friday, July 09, 2021

Boxcars711 Overnight Western "The Six Shooter" - More Than Kin (12-13-53)

Boxcars711 Overnight Western "The Six Shooter" - More Than Kin (Aired December 13, 1953)

The theme of The Six Shooter wasn't the only aspect of the production that created a buzz throughout during the Fall and Winter of 1953-54. The term 'adult western,' when it was first coined in the late 1940s, referred to the overlaying of contemporary psychological themes onto the western genre of literature, Radio and Film. Just as in noir crime fiction in print, film noir and radio noir had ushered in a new perspective on traditional fiction; the overlaying of contemporary values, psychological themes and sophisticated social interactions between characters of a story. The adult western transformed the traditional 'black hat'-'white hat' type of shoot'em up cowboy opera format into a form that examined the deeper motivations of its characters and how those psychological themes informed the plot--but in a period western setting. Show Notes From The Digital Deli.


December 13, 1953. "More Than Kin"- NBC network origination, AFRTS rebroadcast. Britt treads the boards in the service of the bard for P. T. Barnum himself. Basil Adlam (music), Frank Burt (creator, writer), Michael Ann Barrett, Tony Barrett, Dan O'Herlihy, Ted Bliss, Marvin Miller, Hal Gibney (announcer), Jimmy Stewart, Jack Johnstone (director). 29:04. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.

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