The Jazz Singer - Starring Al Jolson (Aired June 1, 1947)
In October of 1934, "Lux Radio Theater" debuted in New York on NBC's Blue radio network. Presenting audio versions of popular Broadway plays, the show failed to garner an audience and soon ran out of material. After switching networks to CBS and moving to Hollywood, Lux found its true market. The show began featuring adaptations of popular films, performed by as many of the original stars as possible. With an endless supply of hit films scripts and an audience of more than 40 million, Lux enjoyed a prosperous run until the curtain fell in 1956. The Lux Radio Theater was the biggest dramatic program on radio, airing from October 14, 1943 through June 7, 1956. The series showcased American's top stars in adaptations of Hollywood's most popular films. William Keighly took over as regular host in the fall of 1945 after Cecil B. DeMille quit his $2000-a-week hosting duties rather than pay a one-dollar union assessment he opposed. "The Jazz Singer" based on the play by Samson Raphaelson. Fred MacKaye (director); Louis Silver (music); William Keighley (host);john Milton Kennedy (announcer). Starring Al Jolson (Jack Robin/Jake Rabinowitz); Gail Patrick (Mary); Ludwig Donath (Cantor Rabinowitz); Tamara Shayne (Mrs. Robbinowitz); Carlton Kadell (Mr. Stephens); Bill Johnstone (Yudelson); Eddie Marr (Jimmy); Bobby Ellis (Sammy); Charles Seale (doctor); June Whitley (commercials).
June 1, 1947. CBS network. "The Jazz Singer". Sponsored by: Lux. The story of a cantor's son choosing between his career and his God. Al Jolson, Gail Patrick, Ludwig Donath, Tamara Shayne, William Keighley (host), John Milton Kennedy (announcer), Louis Silvers (music director), Carlton KaDell, William Johnstone, Edward Marr, Charles Seel, Bobby Ellis, June Whitley, Joan Winfield (intermission guest), Samson Raphaelson (author), Fred MacKaye (director), Sanford Barnett (adaptor), Charlie Forsyth (sound effects). 61:38.
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