Hawaiian Vacation (Aired December 28, 1951)
Duffy's Tavern, an American radio situation comedy (CBS, 1941-1942; NBC-Blue Network, 1942-1944; NBC, 1944-1952), often featured top-name stage and film guest stars but always hooked those around the misadventures, get-rich-quick-scheming, and romantic missteps of the title establishment's malaprop-prone, metaphor-mixing manager, Archie, played by the writer/actor who co-created the show, Ed Gardner. In the show's familiar opening, "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling," either solo on an old-sounding piano or by a larger orchestra, was interrupted by the ring of a telephone and Gardner's New Yorkese accent as he answered, "Duffy's Tavern, where the elite meet to eat. Archie the manager speakin'. Duffy ain't here — oh, hello, Duffy." Duffy, the owner, was never heard (or seen, when a film based on the show was made in 1945 or when a bid to bring the show to television was tried in 1954). But Archie always was — bantering with Duffy's man-crazy daughter, Miss Duffy (played by several actresses, beginning with Gardner's real-life first wife, Shirley Booth); with Eddie, the waiter/janitor (Eddie Green); and, especially, with Clifton Finnegan (Charlie Cantor), a likeable soul with several screws loose and a knack for falling for every other salesman's scam.
December 28, 1951. "Hawaiian Vacation" - NBC network. Sponsored by: RCA Victor, Anacin. Archie has entered a slogan contest and he's sure that he's won a trip to Hawaii. "Fats" plays a hot, "Sweet Leilani" on the piano. After he wins the contest, Archie discovers that it was for entries by children under 13-years-old only. The system cue has been deleted. Ed Gardner (performer, producer as "Edward F. Gardner"), Ed Pinchon, Charlie Cantor, Larry Rhine (writer), Hazel Shermet. 29:17.
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