"Twenty Days Of Terror" (04-04-41) and "Escape In The Night" (04-11-41)
Front Page Drama ran from the early 1930's through the 1950's and was a popular show sponsored by The American Weekly Magazine. The episodes were adapted from stories that appeared in the magazine. Paul W. Keyes, an Emmy Award winner, got his start on Hearst Radio as producer and director of Front Page Drama. He went on to write and produce Dean Martin's "Laugh-In" show and was a consultant for Richard Nixon.
April 4, 1941. Program #415. Hearst syndication. "Twenty Days Of Terror". Sponsored by: The American Weekly. The story will appear in The American Weekly under the title, "When The Yankee Clipper Ruled The Seven Seas." The program concludes with an over-dramatized story of forest preservation for defense. The format is identical to that of "The Shadow, but the name is not used. The voice on the filter mike sounds like Orson Welles. Gerald Mohr, Dave Landers (author), Orson Welles (?). 14:17.
April 11, 1941. Program #416. Hearst syndication. "Escape In The Night". Sponsored by: The American Weekly. The story will appear in The American Weekly under the title, "Lady Howard's Mysterious Arrest By The English Secret Agents." Gerald Mohr. 14:41.

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