Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Boxcars711Old Time Radio Pod - The Devil & Mr. O "Speed" (01-05-43)

Speed (Aired Originally On 01-05-43)

With its premiere on the nationwide NBC hookup in 1935, Lights Out was billed "the ultimate in horror." Never had such sounds been heard on the air. Heads rolled, bones were crushed, people fell from great heights and splattered wetly on pavement. There were garrotings, choking, heads split by cleavers, and, to a critic at Radio Guide, "the most monstrous of all sounds, human flesh being eaten." Few shows had ever combined the talents of actors and imaginative writers so well with the graphic art of the sound technician. Wyllis Cooper, who created, wrote, and produced it, was then a 36-year-old staffer in Chicago's NBC Studios. Cooper left the show in 1936 and Oboler was given the job. Oboler lost no time establishing himself as the new master of the macabre. Between May 1936 and July 1938, he wrote and directed more than 100 Lights Out plays. Oboler's shows are well represented -- this series of Lights Out was syndicated in The Devil and Mr. O offerings of 1970 - 73. A transcribed syndication of original broadcasts from 1942 - 43 with Arch Oboler as the host.


January 5, 1943. Program #25. CBS network origination, syndicated rebroadcast. "The Fast One". Commercials added locally. Excellent radio writing. A story about two men with a mighty power, the power to move very, very rapidly. Syndicated program name: "The Devil and Mr. O." The story is also known as, "Speed." Arch Oboler (writer, host). 25 minutes.


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