Episode6 "Spoils Of Europe" and Episode7 "1000 Year Reich" (1942)
You Can't Do Business with Hitler, based on the experiences of Douglas Miller, who was for 15 years commercial attaché to the American Embassy in Berlin. Douglas Miller reveals the NAZI technique of plundering and looting conquered lands. This transcribed program written by Elwood Hoffman and directed by Frank Telford was brought to you by the Radio Section of the Office for Emergency Management in Washington. The shows were written and produced by the radio section of the Office of War Information (OWI), was transcribed four times a month. This series is one of the many thousands of government plays that were broadcast to help the war effort during World War II.
1942. Program #6. Office For Emergency Management, Division Of Information, syndication. "The Spoils Of Europe". Sustaining. A description of "the looting of France," using freshly printed and totally worthless money. The program describes the other Nazi techniques used to take over the economy of France. Frank Telford (writer, director). 14:57.
1942. Program #7. Office For Emergency Management, Division Of Information, syndication. "The Thousand Year Reich". Sustaining. Hitler's "Education For Slavery" program is put into effect in Belgium. How the Nazis promote some books and suppress others. Elwood Hoffman (writer), Frank Telford (director). 15:22.

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