The Pickwick Papers (Charles Dickens) Aired March 13, 1949
University Theater is an unusual series that focused on reenacting novels by great authors for college classes. Many accredited American universities such as Washington State College, University of Louisville, and University of Tulsa, used this dramatic series as a supplement to correspondent college courses. The series' creators made study guides to accompany the courses. Students studying great literature by Steinbeck, Faulkner, Hemingway, Huxley, and many others listened to these shows every week. It was an ambitious series that remained popular despite its academic and non-commercial appeal. The shows are high quality and will please many fans of great literature.
March 13, 1949. NBC network. "The Pickwick Papers". Sustaining. The famous trial of Mr. Pickwick, accused of breach of promise by Mrs. Bardell. Albert Harris (composer, conductor), Andrew C. Love (director), Ben Wright, Booth Coleman, Carl Harbord, Charles Coburn (guest), Charles Dickens (author), Crauford Kent, Don Stanley (announcer), Donald Morrison, Eric Snowden, Grey Stafford, John Frasier, Mark Van Doren (intermission commentator), Morton Wishengrad (adaptor), Nelson Welch, Norma Varden, Pat Aherne, Queenie Leonard, Ramsay Hill, Raymond Lawrence, Tom McKee, Whitfield Connor. 1:00:07 Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.