The Vengeful Corpse - (Aired February 20, 1945)
What made Inner Sanctum Mysteries unique among radio horror shows was its host, a slightly-sinister sounding man originally known as “Raymond.” The host had a droll sense of humor and an appetite for ghoulish puns, and his influence can be seen among horror hosts everywhere, from the Crypt-Keeper to Elvira. Raymond Edward Johnson was the show’s host until 1945; Paul McGrath took over the role until the show left the air in 1952. Producer Hiram Brown would utilize the creaking door again in the 1970s, when he produced and directed The CBS Radio Mystery Theater. Inner Sanctum Mysteries was inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame in 1988.
October 12, 1949. CBS network. "The Vengeful Corpse". Bromo Seltzer. A woman burned as a witch returns to enact revenge. Edward Adamson (writer), Robert Sloane (writer), Himan Brown (director), Paul McGrath (announcer), Barbara Weeks, Karl Swenson, Alan Devitt, Everett Sloane, Paul McGrath (host). 29:35. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.